Pros and Cons of Hair Extensions
Hair extension is a procedure where we apply the hair on your own head, which could be silky or coarse in texture. It doesn't affect the natural growth of your hair unlike transplantation of real hair on scalp which takes time to grow in proper direction and texture as opposed to losing them very soon after injection process. Hair extensions are known for its versatility and this is what makes it stand out. They can be used on many different types of hair. It does not matter whether you have a short or long, curly or straight the extensions will look amazing in any kind of hairstyle. This is because it adds volume to your hair so that you can get the desired effect. - Hair Wigs - Hair patch What is the difference between a hair patch and hair wig? Hair patches are a recent trend and can help people who are suffering from extreme or complete baldness. They cover the entire scalp and give a more natural look to the people. Hair patch in Delhi and other cities do not just help in the...